Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Steampunk Weather Station

My latest work in brass mesh, solid brass and mahogany. Of course it has light bulbs, but something a little bit different. The light bulbs themselves are modded. Low wattage plus a dimmer switch ensure that they will last quite a while. This piece is a combination of about three different designs.

The "weather" part is actually a stretch ( if you will forgive me).
It consists of three gauges: time, temperature and humidity on the base portion.
Actually, other than simply looking out the window for one's self, it's really the only weather information you actually need:) A few more picture here.

31" tall. Dated Oct, 2010.

Regards to all at the A.C. !

Monday, 4 October 2010

Visionary Steampunk Paintings by Michael Pukac

Hey everyone,
I thought I'd share some of my latest paintings. They're a mix of Visionary Steampunk, which I like to call "Dreampunk". Hope you like it. Always love to hear your feedback. Thanks
-Michael Pukac

For more info & upcoming shows, check out

& here's a little bit about me:
Michael Pukac (Poo-khash) is a Long Beach, California based artist originally from Alabama. Well known in the Los Angeles art scene for his live painting performances, his studio work basks in the land of unicorn powered zeplins, narwhal chases, underwater scuba adventures, dj’s spinning on hot air balloon rides, and seahorse turntables. Close your eyes and swim into a steampunk Atlantis wonderland. Pukac creates playful paintings filled with romantic absurdities to complete epic anti-narratives that exist in the air or in the sea.

"Party Boat to Atlantis"

"Unicycle Contraption"

"Revenge of the Narwhal"



"Chasing the Narwhal"

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Behind The Mask

Ladies, gentlemen, friends!

It is a great honour to be a member of this wonderful blog, so allow me to say my "thank you's" first of all before I post the following creations.

So, dilly-dallying aside, let's get straight on to posting! The first are two masks and a pair of goggles. The masks were brought plain and undecorated and were customized by me. Goggles were silver cyber goggles I transformed. We have Lady Venetia who tells her broken time, The Professor with his all-seeing antique glasses, and the Timeless Watcher goggles.

Apologies for the pictures, they are terrible!

And yours truly -

Friday, 24 September 2010

Hello, James et al. This is "OTTO". It's is one of my latest designs. Since I create illuminated objects, I'm always at the mercy of the store-bought incandescent bulbs that are commercially available. It's never easy to work a standard bulb into a design especially since the bulbs are so dull and recognizable. I try to locate the most unusual bulbs and they're getting more difficult to find. To address this, I have begun modding the bulbs themselves. Here I cut away the round, glass envelopes on the CFL bulbs. These bulbs have unusually small spirals and I found them to be very attractive. I also added brass coverings on the bases and industrial porcelain sockets. Thank you for looking.

A little sculpture to kick us off...

I thought I'd brave the choppy waters and start us off by posting the first creation to the club.

"The Tezlar Device - Created for the performance based sideshow act, the Electric sisters, the device allows high voltage currents to be passed through both sisters in a 'shocking' dual electrocution."

The device was created for a photo shoot featuring Scott Chalmers (photographer), Azadeh Brown (Model) and Layla Gordon (model)

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Clarification of club titles and exciting news of a steampunk art book

Firstly I would like to clear up a little confusion in the various types of memebership available.

Committee membership is limited to a very small number of artists who have made a significant contribution or mark on the world of steampunk. The committee carry out such duties as voting on possible new club memebrs, voting on club projects, etc.

Memebership is limited to those members who are accomplished artists. They are eligible to take part in club projects, exhibitions, etc. and to display their work and links on the club blog.

Associate membership allows actors, models and other performance based artists to participate in the club. Not strictly as people who produce art as a piece that can be disaplyed but in their own actions as it were.

In other news I have received news that a proposed book on steampunk art will be going ahead. Published one of the UK's leading art publishers and edited by myself.

I am now looking for artists of all types to grace the pages of this humble endeavour with your wonderous creations. Apply now in the comments of this post! (As with all club projects, application to be featured in the book is limited to club memebers. We are however still accepting membership requests!)


James Richardson-Brown

Monday, 26 July 2010

Gathering a good head of steam or a call for artists.

This is the first time and will be the last for awhile that we request artists to apply for membership.

Some committee members have already been chosen but we will need a few more to make up the necessary committee numbers these will be elected by the starting committee from members.

If you would like to be part of this there is no better time to apply than now.

Simply comment in reply to this post with details of who you are a link to your work and what medium(s) you work in.

(Please mention in your post if you would like to be considered for the committee as well as for membership)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Pilots and Pirates, Engineers and Racketeers welcome to the Artificer's Club

A private members club for invited artists only (though we will be running callouts for new members very infrequently). Most club members work either exclusively or almost exclusively in the anachronistic genres, eg. steampunk, dieselpunk, alternative history, etc.

The club has been put together for several reasons.

Firstly, many members receive requests for artists contacts for up and coming projects, some paid and some not. This is an easy way for them to contact artists whose work is of a consistently high standard.

Secondly it allows us all to keep in touch.

Thirdly it allows some screening of what gets posted. Many anachronistic groups on the web now have people posting items that are nothing to do with the genre.

Some people may find this group elitist and I apologise in advance for that but it has become a necessity.

The club is run somewhat in the manner of a Victorian Gentlemans club obviously without the usual gender restrictions.

There are three club membership levels.

The commitee - Seven senior members Who oversee the applications of new members, participate in discussions on the running of the club and deal with any problems.

The Members - full club members eligible to post on the club wall and be considered for upcoming work.

The Associates - People who, though not artists in their own right, have been of such help to the club that they are offered membership.

If you would like to become a member there are two methods of joining.

1) Invitation by an existing member.

2) At various points of the year we will put out a call for applications, keep an eye on the club blog for these occassions.

The club will contain posts by various members displaying their latest artworks, events, etc. So please do follow the blog and enjoy what we hope will become a leading collection of anachronistic artwork.


The Commitee of the Artificer's Club