Firstly I would like to clear up a little confusion in the various types of memebership available.
Committee membership is limited to a very small number of artists who have made a significant contribution or mark on the world of steampunk. The committee carry out such duties as voting on possible new club memebrs, voting on club projects, etc.
Memebership is limited to those members who are accomplished artists. They are eligible to take part in club projects, exhibitions, etc. and to display their work and links on the club blog.
Associate membership allows actors, models and other performance based artists to participate in the club. Not strictly as people who produce art as a piece that can be disaplyed but in their own actions as it were.
In other news I have received news that a proposed book on steampunk art will be going ahead. Published one of the UK's leading art publishers and edited by myself.
I am now looking for artists of all types to grace the pages of this humble endeavour with your wonderous creations. Apply now in the comments of this post! (As with all club projects, application to be featured in the book is limited to club memebers. We are however still accepting membership requests!)
James Richardson-Brown