Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Steampunk Weather Station

My latest work in brass mesh, solid brass and mahogany. Of course it has light bulbs, but something a little bit different. The light bulbs themselves are modded. Low wattage plus a dimmer switch ensure that they will last quite a while. This piece is a combination of about three different designs.

The "weather" part is actually a stretch ( if you will forgive me).
It consists of three gauges: time, temperature and humidity on the base portion.
Actually, other than simply looking out the window for one's self, it's really the only weather information you actually need:) A few more picture here.

31" tall. Dated Oct, 2010.

Regards to all at the A.C. !

Monday, 4 October 2010

Visionary Steampunk Paintings by Michael Pukac

Hey everyone,
I thought I'd share some of my latest paintings. They're a mix of Visionary Steampunk, which I like to call "Dreampunk". Hope you like it. Always love to hear your feedback. Thanks
-Michael Pukac

For more info & upcoming shows, check out

& here's a little bit about me:
Michael Pukac (Poo-khash) is a Long Beach, California based artist originally from Alabama. Well known in the Los Angeles art scene for his live painting performances, his studio work basks in the land of unicorn powered zeplins, narwhal chases, underwater scuba adventures, dj’s spinning on hot air balloon rides, and seahorse turntables. Close your eyes and swim into a steampunk Atlantis wonderland. Pukac creates playful paintings filled with romantic absurdities to complete epic anti-narratives that exist in the air or in the sea.

"Party Boat to Atlantis"

"Unicycle Contraption"

"Revenge of the Narwhal"



"Chasing the Narwhal"